In 2016, Ferdinand embarked on a transformative journey that would redefine his life and the lives of many others. Having grown up as an orphan on the streets of Accra, Ghana, he experienced firsthand the harsh realities of poverty and the profound impact of education as a means of escape. Despite losing both parents by the age of nine, his relentless spirit and academic prowess led him to graduate top of his class in high school. Yet, the journey was fraught with challenges— Ferdinand spent four years at home, unable to further his education due to lack of support and resources.

During this period, he dedicated himself to researching scholarships and funding opportunities. His hard work paid off when he discovered the SAT, which he took and passed, securing a full scholarship to Wesleyan University in the United States. 

This achievement was not just a personal victory but a catalyst for a much larger vision. Inspired by his own struggles and the transformative power of education, Ferdinand founded the Young Achievers Foundation Ghana (YAF Ghana) during his freshman year at Wesleyan. His mission was clear: to bridge the education access gap for low income students in Ghana by helping them secure full scholarships to pursue their undergraduate education.

Over the past seven years, YAF Ghana has grown from a fledgling initiative into a beacon of hope. Under Ferdinand’s leadership, the foundation has helped over 200 students secure scholarships valued at over $40 million, enabling them to attend prestigious universities around the world. These scholars, often from backgrounds similar to Ferdinand’s, have become leaders and innovators, driving positive change in their communities and beyond.

The foundation’s impact extends beyond individual scholarships. Through a comprehensive program that includes leadership training, community service, and career development, YAF Ghana equips young Ghanaians not only to succeed academically but to thrive as global citizens committed to societal betterment. Ferdinand’s story—a testament to resilience and the transformative power of education—continues to inspire a new generation of changemakers.

Now, as an MPA candidate at the prestigious Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, Ferdinand is deepening his understanding of economic development to further combat poverty and enhance the quality of life in Sub-Saharan Africa. His life, marked by overcoming incredible odds, exemplifies the profound impact of empowering the young minds of today to build a better tomorrow.